What Is Babble-On?

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Vienna, VA, United States
I live. I love. I laugh. Hard.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Moving Nowhere

Amidst all that is going on this week--Shakespeare audition, meeting, film screenings, haircut--I almost forgot that I have to move.  Yes, I am moving from my apartment.  The thing is, I'm only moving a few courtyards down.  Still reppin' Mosby Landing, Vienna, VA, but my roommate just purchased a bigger unit, with 2.5 bathrooms, so he'll be renting the one where we currently reside.

The downside is that we're about 10 seconds further away from the main road--Rt. 123--so my commute to everywhere is going to increase by 10 seconds.  In 6 car trips, that's a whole minute lost.

I've already claimed the half bathroom.  I figure I can save time, by only taking a half shower.  Brushing half my teeth.  Using the bathroom, and washing only one hand.

My goal is to be completely moved out by Saturday afternoon, only because my roommate said the internet modem is going to be moved by then.  I could stay in the current place until the end of the month, but who could survive a week without wi-fi?


  1. JJ, you without wi-fi is like a fish without a bicycle...

  2. Heeey . . . I'm offended!

    I think . . .

  3. Hi. My name is JJ. I need to be doing stand-up. Or be a ghostwriter for other stands up.

    JJ. ...aka Ashley ghostwriting for JJ.

  4. Wow, I was nervous! I was like, "Did I say that, f'real?"
