What Is Babble-On?

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Vienna, VA, United States
I live. I love. I laugh. Hard.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Remotely Controlled

I am drowning in TV shows!  At this moment I am binging on the small screen.  Netflix has made it all too easy with that little "Add" button.  Seems like there should be more steps involved--verifications, ID checks--something to make the process less efficient and more of a nuisance. 


As it is, I am currently in the middle of:

1.) Homicide - Seasons 1 & 2
2.) Arrested Development - Season 2
3.) Sanford & Son - Season 1
4.) X-Files - Season 1 (almost finished)
5.) Ghost Hunters International - current season
6.) Glee - Season 1 (Just got Disc 1)
7.) Dexter - Season 4 (Just got Disc 1) <---personal favorite

Praise the Lord that "Last Comic Standing" has wrapped this season.  I need a hobby, but I think that's what actually led me to this point in the first place.

Almost positive that by the end of next week, there will be a new show to add to this list.

Maybe I should take up crack as a habit.

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