What Is Babble-On?

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Vienna, VA, United States
I live. I love. I laugh. Hard.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Let Grow and Let God

As Mr. Primm in Lyle
I have finally let go of it all--my hair, not my past.  I still need help with the latter.  I started growing my hair a little over a year ago, when I was performing in Lyle the Crocodile at Imagination Stage.  No real reason.  Just because I could. 

By the time Teddy Roosevelt and the Ghostly Mistletoe rolled around in December, I had a nice lil afro.  I combed and groomed it daily. . . even talked to it to help it grow (don't judge!).

The thought to let it grow and NOT comb it actually came from my own mother.  It was January, and Teddy was closed.  I thought why not.  Never did it before.  It'd be a new venture.

So then began the growth--mentally, spiritually, and follicly. (Incorrect grammar intentional.) Theatre work wasn't pouring in, but film work started to pick back up.  I managed to do 3 films from Feburary to June (When Life Gives You Shoestrings, Indigo Heart, and The New "N" Word), all the while managing to keep the ever-growing do.  I'd resolved to keep the hair until a paying acting gig came along that required me to cut it.

Teddy Roosevelt and the Ghostly Mistletoe (Kennedy Center's Theatre for Young Audiences)
Alas, the day has come, in the form of Bunnicula. Full circle.  Back at Imagination Stage, where the growth began, and now has ended.

No tears.  No remorse.  Just puppy-dog eyes:

My face mourns!

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